What people are saying

  • "Casual atmosphere, ability to ask lots of questions, important and relevant topics touched upon. I thought the workshop was great. You have such positive energy and enthusiasm it's making me want to get through my hours to get to the next steps!"

    — Anonymous, Brave Beginning Workshop Attendee

  • "Lyndsey was immensely helpful to me in better understanding the steps needed to start my solo private practice. She spent hours of 1:1 time with me, answering all my questions and helping me brainstorm about ways to set up my practice for success. I'd highly recommend her to anyone starting to consider branching out into a solo private practice!"

    — Alyssa M., Consulting Client

  • “I really enjoyed attending this workshop. I learned so much, and it helped me feel more confident in starting my own practice. Thank you!”

    — Anonymous, Brave Beginnings Workshop Attendee

  • "That I now have resources to access, the connection with a live person who had lived experience starting this process, and now a contact for future consulting if I need. I also loved how this workshop spurred my thinking and expanded it in ways I had not thought about- like thinking about doing other things to enhance your private practice that work for you and to alleviate isolation."

    —Anonymous, Brave Beginnings Workshop Attendee

  • "I loved how in-depth the workshop was! I learned so much."

    — Anonymous, Brave Beginnings Workshop Attendee